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File List | 1988-11-17 | 13.8 KB | 421 lines |
- ' ############################################################################
- ' ############################################################################
- ' ############################# CALORIE COUNTER ############################
- ' ####################### BY RON & KATHY SCHAEFER MDs ######################
- ' ############################# Published by ############################
- ' ############################# ST Log 1/89 ############################
- ' ############################################################################
- ' ############################################################################
- If Xbios(4)=0 Then
- Edit
- Endif
- Rez%=Xbios(4) ! Check resolution 0=low 1=med 2=high
- If Xbios(4)=2 Then
- Tf%=7 ! Correction faction factor for text size
- Endif
- Dim Spalette%(16,3)
- @Save_pal ! Save current pallet
- @Setcolors ! Set program screen colors
- @Introscreen ! Do title screen
- Do
- At$="Calorie Counter|By Ron & Kathy Schaefer M.D.s|(C) 1988 Schaefer SuperGraphics|"
- At$=At$+"Published by ST Log"
- Alert 0,At$,1,"Count|Help|Quit",Dummy
- Exit If Dummy=3
- If Dummy=1 Then
- @Calcount
- Cls
- Endif
- If Dummy=2 Then
- @Help
- Endif
- Loop
- @Restorepal ! Restore original palet at end of prgram
- Edit
- ' ----------------------- HELP SUBROUTINE --------------------------------
- Procedure Help
- Titlew 1," HELP "
- Deftext 1,0,0,6+Tf%
- Openw 1 ! if using 3.0 use this instead OPENW 1,0,19
- Fullw 1
- Clearw 1
- Print At(1,2);
- Print " To use the Calorie Counter just load in the expandable data base"
- Print " of food items called CALORIES.DAT, this is done automatically if"
- Print " the file is in the same directory as the program CAL_CNT.PRG"
- Print
- Print " Now enter in the number of calories that you want to plan your"
- Print " meal or day for. This will serve as a Goal diet."
- Print
- Print " Once the food items have been loaded just click on the items"
- Print " that you want added up. Click with the left button to add,"
- Print " and with the right button to subtract an item. As you plan"
- Print " your menu, try and approximate the Goal or Ideal diet."
- Print
- Print " You can print out a list of the selected foods to take with"
- Print " you to store by clicking on LIST at the bottom of the screen."
- Print
- Print " Ideal American Diet: % of total calories"
- Print " ============================================="
- Print " Protein 12%"
- Print " Fats 30%"
- Print " Carbohydrates 58%"
- Print " hit return to continue";
- Void=Inp(2)
- Closew 1
- Return
- ' ---------------------- MAIN CALORIE COUNT SUBROUTINE ----------------
- Procedure Calcount
- K=0
- If Not Openfile! ! If the file has not been opend do so
- Path$=Dir$(0)
- Filename$=Path$+"\CALORIE.DAT"
- If Not Exist(Filename$) Then
- Fileselect "*.DAT","CALORIE.DAT",Filename$
- Endif
- Endif
- If Filename$<>"" Then
- Titlew 1," Calorie Counter and Menu Planner "
- Openw 1 ! if using 3.0 use this instead OPENW 1,0,19
- Fullw 1
- Graphmode 1
- Clearw 1
- Deftext 1,0
- If Not Openfile! Then
- Print
- Print
- Print " Opening the file ";Filename$
- Print " Reading in calorie data on item:";
- Color 1
- Box 139,13*Rez%,467,35*Rez%
- Box 136,11*Rez%,470,37*Rez%
- Open "I",#1,Filename$
- Openfile!=True
- Input #1,T% ! Read in number of food items and DIM arrays
- Dim N$(T%),Cals(T%),Fats(T%),Carbos(T%),Prots(T%),Quant(T%)
- Do
- Inc Nt%
- Print At(54,4);Nt%
- Input #1,N$(Nt%),Cals(Nt%),Prots(Nt%),Fats(Nt%),Carbos(Nt%)
- Exit If Eof(#1)
- Loop
- Close #1
- Else
- For N%=1 To T%
- Quant(N%)=0
- Next N%
- Caltotal=0
- Prottotal=0
- Carbototal=0
- Fattotal=0
- Endif
- Print At(21,10);"Enter the number of calories to be"
- Print At(21,11);"your goal: ";
- Color 1
- Box 154,68*Rez%,445,92*Rez%
- Box 151,66*Rez%,448,94*Rez%
- Input "",Gcaltotal
- Clearw 1
- Defmouse 6
- Deftext 2
- @Initmenuplaner
- ' ******* main loop *********
- Do
- If Mx>475 And My>157*Rez% And K=1 Then
- @Do_sound_1(5,4)
- Endif
- Exit If Mx>475 And My>157*Rez% And K=1
- Showm
- Mouse Mx,My,K
- If K>0 Then
- If My>35*Rez% And My<153*Rez% Then
- @Do_sound_2(9,7)
- Endif
- If My>159*Rez% Then
- @Do_sound_1(3,4)
- Endif
- If My>35*Rez% And My<153*Rez% Then ! Find which item mouse is over
- If Rez%=1 Then
- L%=Int((My-35)/8)+1
- Else
- L%=Int(((My-35)/8)/Rez%)-1
- Endif
- If K=1 And L%+F%<=T% Then
- Inc Quant(L%+F%) ! Add food item
- Add Caltotal,Cals(L%+F%)
- Add Fattotal,Fats(L%+F%)
- Add Prottotal,Prots(L%+F%)
- Add Carbototal,Carbos(L%+F%)
- Endif
- If K=2 And L%+F%<=T% Then
- Dec Quant(L%+F%) ! Subtract food item
- If Quant(L%+F%)<0 Then
- Quant(L%+F%)=0
- Else
- Sub Caltotal,Cals(L%+F%)
- Sub Fattotal,Fats(L%+F%)
- Sub Prottotal,Prots(L%+F%)
- Sub Carbototal,Carbos(L%+F%)
- Endif
- Endif
- If L%+F%<=T% Then
- If Quant(L%+F%)=0 Then
- Deftext 1,0
- Else
- Deftext 2,1 ! If the quantity is >0 highlight that item
- Endif
- Print At(2,4+L%);N$(L%+F%);" "
- Print At(30,4+L%);Cals(L%+F%);" "
- Print At(40,4+L%);Fats(L%+F%);" "
- Print At(50,4+L%);Carbos(L%+F%);" "
- Print At(60,4+L%);Prots(L%+F%);" "
- Print At(70,4+L%);Quant(L%+F%);" "
- Endif
- Deftext 3,0
- Print At(2,3);"TOTAL";
- Print At(30,3);Caltotal;" "
- Print At(40,3);Int(Fattotal);" "
- Print At(50,3);Int(Carbototal);" "
- Print At(60,3);Int(Prottotal);" "
- Print At(66,3);"Quantity"
- Deftext 1
- Endif
- If Mx<154 And My>157*Rez% Then
- Add F%,15
- If F%>T% Then
- Sub F%,15
- Endif
- For N%=1 To 15
- If (N%+F%)<=T% Then
- If Quant(N%+F%)=0 Then
- Deftext 1,0
- Else
- Deftext 2,1 ! If the quantity is >0 highlight that item
- Endif
- Print At(2,4+N%);N$(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(30,4+N%);Cals(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(40,4+N%);Fats(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(50,4+N%);Carbos(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(60,4+N%);Prots(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(70,4+N%);Quant(N%+F%);" "
- Else
- Print Space$(72)
- Endif
- Next N%
- Deftext ,0
- Endif
- If Mx>154 And Mx<321 And My>157*Rez% Then
- Add F%,-15
- If F%<0 Then
- F%=0
- Endif
- For N%=1 To 15
- If Quant(N%+F%)>0 Then
- Deftext 2,1 ! If the quantity is >0 highlight that item
- Else
- Deftext 1,0
- Endif
- Print At(2,4+N%);N$(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(30,4+N%);Cals(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(40,4+N%);Fats(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(50,4+N%);Carbos(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(60,4+N%);Prots(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(70,4+N%);Quant(N%+F%);" "
- Next N%
- Deftext ,0
- Endif
- If Mx>321 And Mx<475 And My>157*Rez% Then ! LIST routine
- Clearw 1
- At$="Where do you want the menu|list to be printed?"
- Alert 2,At$,1," Screen | Printer ",Pr
- @Do_sound_2(4,4)
- Defmouse 6
- If Pr=1 Then
- Deftext 1
- Tx$=" Menu Listing Calories Fat Carbo "
- Print At(2,2);Tx$+"Protein Quantity"
- Print At(1,3);String$(72,"=")
- Ln%=0
- For N%=1 To T%
- If Quant(N%)>0 Then
- Print At(2,4+Ln%);N$(N%);" "
- Print At(30,4+Ln%);Cals(N%);" "
- Print At(40,4+Ln%);Fats(N%);" "
- Print At(50,4+Ln%);Carbos(N%);" "
- Print At(60,4+Ln%);Prots(N%);" "
- Print At(70,4+Ln%);Quant(N%);" "
- ' Print At(2,3+Ln%);N$(N%),Cals(N%),Quant(N%)
- Inc Ln%
- If Ln%>15 Then
- Ln%=0
- Print At(55,21);"Click to continue."
- Do
- K=Mousek
- Exit If K>0
- Loop
- Clearw 1
- Tx$=" Menu Listing Calories Fat Carbo "
- Print At(2,2);Tx$;"Protein Quantity"
- Print At(1,3);String$(72,"=")
- Endif
- Endif
- Next N%
- Print String$(72,"=")
- Deftext 3
- Print At(2,5+Ln%);"TOTAL";
- Print At(30,5+Ln%);Caltotal;" "
- Print At(40,5+Ln%);Int(Fattotal);" "
- Print At(50,5+Ln%);Int(Carbototal);" "
- Print At(60,5+Ln%);Int(Prottotal);" "
- Deftext 2
- Print At(55,21);"Click to continue."
- Deftext 1
- Do
- K=Mousek
- Exit If K>0
- Loop
- Clearw 1
- Else ! Print out list of items on the printer
- Sd=10
- Tx$=" Menu Listing Calories Grams Grams "
- Lprint Tx$;"Grams Quantity"
- Lprint Space$(35);"Fat Carbo Protein"
- Lprint String$(72,"=")
- For N%=1 To T%
- If Quant(N%)>0 Then
- Lprint N$(N%);Space$(27-Len(N$(N%)));
- Lprint Cals(N%);Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Cals(N%))));
- Lprint Fats(N%);Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Fats(N%))));
- Lprint Carbos(N%);Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Carbos(N%))));
- Lprint Prots(N%);Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Prots(N%))));
- Lprint Quant(N%)
- Endif
- Next N%
- Lprint String$(72,"=")
- Lprint " TOTAL";Space$(20);
- Lprint Caltotal;Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Caltotal)));
- Lprint Fattotal;Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Fattotal)));
- Lprint Carbototal;Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Carbototal)));
- Lprint Prottotal;Space$(Sd-Len(Str$(Prottotal)))
- Endif
- Ln%=0
- F%=0
- @Initmenuplaner
- Endif
- Endif
- Loop
- Clearw 1
- Closew 1
- Deftext 1
- Endif
- Return
- ' ################# set up and draw first screen for menu planner #########
- Procedure Initmenuplaner
- Deftext 2
- Print " Calories Fat Carbo Protein"
- Deftext 3
- Print At(2,2);"GOAL";
- Print At(30,2);Gcaltotal
- Print At(40,2);Int(Gcaltotal*0.3/9)
- Print At(50,2);Int(Gcaltotal*0.58/4)
- Print At(60,2);Int(Gcaltotal*0.12/4)
- Print At(2,3);"TOTAL";
- Print At(30,3);Caltotal
- Print At(40,3);Fattotal
- Print At(50,3);Carbototal
- Print At(60,3);Prottotal
- Print At(66,3);"Quantity"
- Deftext 1
- Print String$(72,"=")
- Print At(1,20);String$(72,"=")
- Deftext 3
- Print At(7,21);"NEXT PAGE"
- Print At(27,21);"LAST PAGE LIST QUIT"
- For N%=1 To 15
- If Quant(N%+F%)>0 Then
- Deftext 2,1
- Else
- Deftext 1,0
- Endif
- Print At(2,4+N%);N$(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(30,4+N%);Cals(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(40,4+N%);Fats(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(50,4+N%);Carbos(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(60,4+N%);Prots(N%+F%);" "
- Print At(70,4+N%);Quant(N%+F%);" "
- Next N%
- Color 0
- Return
- ' --------------------- CLICKING SOUND SUBROUINTES ------------
- Procedure Do_sound_1(Snd,Snd1)
- Sound 1,12,Snd,Snd1
- Wave 1,1,9,6000
- Return
- Procedure Do_sound_2(Snd,Snd1)
- Sound 1,12,Snd,Snd1
- Wave 1,1,8,512,5
- Wave 0,0
- Return
- Procedure Do_sound_3(Snd,Snd1,Per,Dur)
- Sound 1,2,Snd,Snd1
- Wave 1,1,9,Per,Dur
- Return
- ' --------------------------- SET SCREEN COLORS -------------------
- Procedure Setcolors
- Setcolor 2,0,7,7
- Setcolor 0,0,0,0
- Setcolor 3,7,7,7
- Setcolor 1,7,0,2
- Return
- ' ------------- SAVE ORIGINAL COLOR PALETTE -----------------------
- Procedure Save_pal
- For Z%=0 To 15
- Dpoke Contrl,26
- Dpoke Contrl+2,0
- Dpoke Contrl+6,2
- Dpoke Intin,Z%
- Dpoke Intin+2,0
- Vdisys
- Spalette%(Z%,0)=Dpeek(Intout+2)
- Spalette%(Z%,1)=Dpeek(Intout+4)
- Spalette%(Z%,2)=Dpeek(Intout+6)
- Next Z%
- Return
- Procedure Restorepal
- ' --------------------- RESTORES PALLET -------------------
- For Z%=0 To 15
- Dpoke Contrl,14
- Dpoke Contrl+2,0
- Dpoke Contrl+6,4
- Dpoke Intin,Z%
- Dpoke Intin+2,Spalette%(Z%,0)
- Dpoke Intin+4,Spalette%(Z%,1)
- Dpoke Intin+6,Spalette%(Z%,2)
- Vdisys
- Next Z%
- Return
- ' ------------------------ DO INTRO TITLE SCREEN ---------------------
- Procedure Introscreen
- For Zz=1 To 12
- Deftext 3,0,0,Zz
- @Do_sound_1(1,Zz/2)
- Text 160,30*Rez%,"Calorie Counter"
- Pause 3
- Next Zz
- For Zz=1 To 12
- Deftext 2,0,0,Zz
- @Do_sound_1(1,Zz/2)
- Text 80,48*Rez%,"by Ron & Kathy Schaefer M.D.s"
- Pause 3
- Next Zz
- For Zz=1 To 12
- Deftext 1,0,0,Zz
- @Do_sound_1(1,Zz/2)
- Text 125,66*Rez%,"Brought to You by ST Log"
- Pause 3
- Next Zz
- Deftext 1,0,0,6+Tf%
- Pause 10
- Return